The Loginn project is supporting the development and up-take
of innovations by providing a discussion and consensus building platform, the
LogisticsArena (LogisticsArena, 2013) aiming at bringing the potential stakeholders
and providers together, fostering information exchange and user involvement in
the development phase according to principles of co-creation and participatory
design. (Schumacher, 2013; Sanders & Stappers, 2008; Bødker, 2005). These 5
Meyer-Larsen et al. principles are not only applicable for product but also
service design, and thus also relevant for transport and logistics service
development. Loginn will support innovation adoption in transport logistics by
taking a holistic approach that considers several mutually reinforcing aspects
of innovation: business models, logistics practices and technologies.
• Business models are the representation of the way the
members of a supply chain use their skills and resources to increase customer
and shareholder value.
• Logistics Practices
of interest for Loginn are the ones that have enabled the transport industry to
efficiently evolve in the recent years.
• The technologies considered by Loginn are the one that can
support the transport industry, whether they concern infrastructure, hardware,
software, or complete eco-systems.
(image was taken from
AIMS supply
chain management degree course)
Due to the interrelation between the three pillars, a
holistic approach is essential for deriving an action plan aiming at
innovation-uptake. Besides, this approach will favour the customization of RTD
results towards industrial demand solutions, supporting the development of
sustainable business plans for European RTD projects, exploiting synergies
between European RTD projects to enable a seamless exchange between RTD
projects and logistics stakeholders and finally enabling and supporting the
access to Investors (Loginn 2013a-c; L4L, 2010a, 2011a,b, 2012a,b).
These notes are provided by my teacher of supply
chain management courses I found it so useful now iam sharing this for my
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